UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce Chapter 22 Land: Definition, Characteristics and Importance

UP Board Solutions

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce Chapter 22 Land: Definition, Characteristics and Importance

Land: Definition, Characteristics and Importance Objective Type Questions (1 Mark)

Question 1.
The main feature of land is its:
(a) Limited Nature
(b) Unlimited Nature
(c) Waste Nature
(d) None of these
(a) Limited Nature

Question 2.
Land is fixed in quantity and cannot be:
(a) Decreased
(b) Increased
(c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) None of these
(b) Increased

Question 3.
Land ……….. in fertility.
(a) similar
(b) differs
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) No
(b) differs

Question 4.
Land is a ……….. of nature. (UP 2016, 18)
(a) Costly gift
(b) Valuable gift
(c) Free gift
(d) None of these
(c) Free gift

Question 5.
Land is the basis of ……… development. (UP 2017)
(a) Economic
(b) Non-economic
(c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) none of these
(a) Economic

Land: Definition, Characteristics and Importance Definite Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)

Question 1.
Can the land be shifted from one place to another? Give answers in Yes or No.

Question 2.
Is Nature known to be bountiful? Give answers in Yes or No.

Question 3.
In the supply of land perfectly limited? Give answers in Yes or No.

Land: Definition, Characteristics and Importance Very Short Answer Type Questions (2 Marks)

Question 1.
Write in short land as a free gift of nature.
Land is given to human beings as a free gift of nature. Since land is not a produced or man-made agent. It has no cost of production and hence no supply price. Those who had acquired land, in the beginning, had incurred their labour and capital for the purpose of increasing its productivity. Hence, they sell it to others only after realizing the capital and labour spent on it. Thus, rent or no-rent sale or purchase, the land remains as it is, and is available for the service of mankind as a free gift of nature.

Question 2.
How the land is useful in the development of primary industries?
Agriculture, fishery, forestry, mining etc. are dependent on this gift of nature (land). Availability of fertile land and climatic conditions, forest, mines, etc. result in the establishment and development of primary industries. In addition, land also provides us a variety of agriculture products, fruits and ail other basic needs without which life is impossible on the surface of the earth.

Question 3.
Write any four characteristics of the land as a factor of production. (UP 2019)

  1. Land is limited in supply
  2. Land is permanent and is fixed
  3. Land lacks mobility
  4. Nature of land is passive.

Land: Definition, Characteristics and Importance Short Answer Type Questions (4 Marks)

Question 1.
How can you say that land is limited in supply?
The land is strictly limited in quantity i.e., its supply cannot be increased or decreased like the other factors of production. Though human beings have achieved scientific progress and their achievements have touched each and every aspect of human activity, his power to add to the area of land is almost negligible. In the same way, the minerals could be mind, but only what is available in underground deposits We are also blessed with sun, moon rains etc.

Mankind can only enjoy it as and when it is given to him. For instance on agriculturist may require more rains for his crop, but he must be content with what reaches him by natural process. In this regard some way argue that land surface can increase on account of the operation of some forces of nature, which result in an increase in the quantity of the land already in existence.

Question 2.
Give any two importances of Land in Production.
Importance of Land in production:
(a) Helps in moulding life of the people: Land play a decisive role in moulding the life of human beings and helps him to choose an occupation. It facilitates freedom of movement of human beings. He is free to move within the territory of his country. International movement of labour based on laws governing such movements thus has enabled them to select different occupations, thereby helping to improve their standard of living. Without land, this would not have been possible.

(b) Supply of Food and Fodder: Land as nature provide food of all kinds to human beings. Land (forest) besides supporting wild animals also fodder for cattle. Thus land is the basis of all kinds of life whether human or animal.

Land: Definition, Characteristics and Importance Long Answer Type Question (8 Marks)

Question 1.
What is land? Describe the characteristics of land. (UP 2008)
Give the definition of land. Write its characteristics. (UP 2013)
In common parlance, land refers to the solid part of the earth. But in Economics, land is not used only in the sense of natural resource. Land means all nature, living and non-living, which is used by man in production. Within the concept of land are included all the free gifts of nature or natural resources above the earth and below the surface of the earth, which help in the production of economic resources. No production is possible without the help of land.

According to Prof. A. Marshall, “By land is meant not merely land in the strict sense of the word, but the whole of the materials and forces which nature gives freely for man’s aid in land and water, in air and light and heat.”

According to Prof. J. K. Mehta, “Land is specific or that it is the specific element in a factor or again that it is the specific aspect of a thing.”

Peculiarities or Characteristics of Land. Land as one of the factors of production possesses certain peculiarities or characteristics which are as follow:

1. A Free Gift of Nature: Land is freely gifted by nature. As land is not produced or man-made agent, it has no cost of production and hence no supply prices. Thus, rent, or no rent sale or purchase, the land remains as it is and is available for the service of mankind as a free gift of nature.

2. Land is Limited in Supply: Land is strictly limited in quantity i.e., its supply cannot be increased or decreased like the other factors to production. Though human beings have achieved
scientific progress and their achievements have touched each and every aspect of human activity, his power to add to the area of land is almost negligible.

3. Land is Permanent and is Fixed: Land is permanent and is fixed, hence it cannot by destroyed. Lands which are destroyed in a war, havoc caused by an atom bomber by any natural calamity like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods etc. too regain productivity after some time.

4. Land Lacks Mobility: Land cannot be shifted from one place to another. Only its products can be transported from one place to another. Thus, unlike other factors of productions, land lacks mobility. But in Economics, mobility does not imply place mobility, it implies use mobility. The black soil (Land) suitable for cotton cultivation cannot be shifted to Uttar Pradesh from Maharashtra. Therefore, land lacks place mobility. But an agricultural land can be converted into a site for factory, hence it possesses use mobility.

5. Land is of Different Variety: Land shows variability in its composition and productivity. Just like man are not alike, the pieces of land are also not alike. All lands are not alike, i.e., some land is fertile, while others are infertile.

6. Passive Nature of Land: Land does not produce the wealth of their own, but human beings spend capital and labour on land thereby producing things of their needs and acquiring wealth. Land can be used for the productive purpose with the able support of labour and capital. Even then we can consider land only as a passive agent of production. Land can be made active by human beings and this nature of passivity of land also constitutes its characteristics.

7. Relativity of Situation: Situation of land is of great importance in deciding the prices of a piece of land. Land in a city fetches more value than a piece of land in a village land suitable for cultivation, the price of which varies with that of infertile or wastelands. Same is the case with a land situated in a remote corner of a country, away from human inhabitation, markets etc.

8. Most Important Factor of Production: Land is the most important factor of production. Without land, nothing can be produced. Even the very existence of human beings is because of the existence of land. If the land had not been there, the universe would have been avoided.

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce

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